Can you create a community online?

Community.. Can it be created online? Personally I believe it can.

The theory of McMillan and Chavis (1986) believe so to, they say that a “Sense of Community is a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together.” (Online;1986). This also relates to Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs of which “Belonging” is stage 3 which follow closely to Physiological needs of an individual, and through passing each stage the person can reach stage 5 “Self-Actualization” in order to contribute to social capital. So which ever way they feel part of something even if it is an online community, does it really matter? McMillan and Chavis identified factors that work together to create a community of which these are; Membership – which relates back to a sense of belonging to Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs, Identifying those who belong and who don’t, emotional safety through belonging contribute to this factor, the individual may or may not feel comfortable in sharing their stories like individuals do on the “It Get’s Better” website. Those who are Gay, Lesbian, etc are part of this community, knowing that those who join are in similar situations to others, and it enables them to share their experiences. Influence – is key to these factors, individual members making a difference to the group and the group having an influence on its members, so they gain validation and feel accepted. Integration and Fulfillment of Needs – the feeling that members’ needs will be met by resources of the group and through membership, reinforcement, rewarding to members, status of membership, group success, will follow, and serve’s the individual’s needs by belonging. Finally shared emotional connection – similar experiences; positive experiences among group members, of which the “It Get’s Better” Project has. These factors could contribute to a sense of community online, does it always have to face to face, at events, or support groups?


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