What’s in a name?

I decided to use my birth name for my blog.. I didn’t really think about anything creative because I’m not a fan of being criticised. So I thought the easiest option was to go with my own name as it’s been my name for 22 years. I went on to the Kabalarian website to look up the meaning of my name and this is what came up for me..

  • Your first name of Mariola has given you the ability to organize, plan, and carry work through to a successful conclusion. (Agree)
  • You are thoughtful and considerate of others, dignified yet friendly. (Agree)
  • Your ambition is for the stability of settling down, with a nice home, good furniture, and a good standard of living. (Slightly – I don’t see that I need a lot of nice things in life, as I grew up with very little. Never had the expensive toys, or even be able to watch Sky or Free-view, I had Polish TV from channels one to five. Anything I have now and own, and want in the future I know to work hard for it. But I don’t feel the need to have the latest TV or the newest Iphone, what matters to me is making it feel like home, with photos, etc. What is frustrating is when I scroll down twitter to see the latest, there may be the odd few that say “My mum won’t buy me a new car, because I wrote of my other one” or something along those lines, I think why not get a job and work hard for it, your lucky enough to have your parents in your life, do you really need to feel they need to give you something. You won’t know the value of something otherwise.)
  • You have the business ability and astuteness to attain this standard. (Don’t think so?)
  • You desire to direct and control finances, both in business and in the home. (Agree)
  • You would appreciate the cultural aspects of life such as art and music. (Hmm.. I had a passion for Art in School.. but don’t really have the time to paint)
  • It tends to be too practical an influence causing you to put the practical needs of your home and family ahead of taking the time for the little considerations which create love and understanding. (Don’t understand)
  • This name creates a strong, capable nature, able to lead and control, of which you are probably well aware, but it causes a worrying nature. (Not sure why this would cause worry)
  • It makes it difficult for you to express some of the softer, spontaneous qualities that do so much for personal associations. (I have been told at university that if I opened up more a lot of people may get along with me, not that I don’t already, sometimes I’m outgoing and sometimes I’m very quiet, but I just chose not to let them in, because significant people in my life have left, or passed away, I don’t like to be judged in a negative way, not that there is one, but I wouldn’t want to expose myself to that)
  • Any weakness in health relative to this name would show in problems in the female generative organs. (Don’t believe this to be true)

Some of the things listed in the meaning in my name I can relate to however, I think how many people have the same name as me? The same search would come up for them surely. I do believe in mediums.. I went for a reading last year, and he mentioned a lot of things that only I knew and it was impossible to find it anywhere as it was private and kept to myself, not published anywhere on twitter. What was said is that I will have two children, and the first will be a boy.. Guess I will find out one day if that is true..

But each to their own.

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