
I think that Face book can be a good thing, being able to connect with other people around the world. Being able to stay connected, and see what your friends and family are up to. I did have a Face book profile for several years, but in the end it I felt that I had no choice but to delete it. After removing several people, there was always one who knew someone else. I deactivated the profile and then it was automatically deleted after a few weeks. I would much rather meet with a friend and have a brew and a chat, there was always someone bullying someone else on Face book and I didn’t like to see that, I was even in the firing line myself. Everyone knows your business on it. I’ve just been having a look through Sky News on my phone and come across an article that said “Face book could make you depressed – Study” From my own experience with this social platform, once I had deleted my profile I felt 10x better and thought I should have done it along time ago.

The Study can be found at Science Direct

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