Motivating Each Other

The hardest thing about coming back to university after having so much time off in the summer, is getting motivated again and writing academically. I’ve recently had an assignment to do, a very close friend of mine that I’ve met during my time at university, was panicking about doing the assignment. However, for two days we were on the phone for hours, talking about completing our final draft. There wasn’t a problem with writing the assignment it was “the doing” part that was difficult. That was the motivation we both needed.

Final term, final year, and I can honestly say that it been an amazing experience. Of course it’s going to be tough, but it will certainly be worth it in the end. Thinking back to my first year, and how scary the thought was of doing a degree, it all seemed overwhelming. You need determination and motivation, along with the support of the friends you make at university, and the staff members too.

On my first day, I remember feeling silly because I didn’t understand a word and didn’t want to ask, as I was the youngest one there. I’ve learnt how to be independent in regards to education, I also remember thinking “how am I going to finish a 1,500 word essay!” Seems like a doddle compared to a 10,000 to 12,000 word dissertation. I have been part of a number of amazing opportunities that have come from studying with MMU. I have made some friends that I will have for life, by the end I will have achieved what I’ve always wanted, which is a degree, I’ve been able to complete a placement in a contact centre for foster children, I was able to participate with the success for life project with MMU working with children in care, I know what direction I want to go in now, only through the many things I have been able to experience with MMU.