Google Your Name..

I think there are a lot of people who have googled their name to see what comes up, just out of curiosity. I have googled my name, and I don’t have a problem with what comes up.. My twitter profile, the article that was in the Bolton news, the student profile I agreed to do with MMU, my blog, and photos that have been published on the online platforms I have, and some photos that are associated with MMU. It does make it easy for people to find out information about you, but only things you publish online. On occasion people set up profiles pretending to be someone else, this has never happened to me, but it has happened to someone I know. It took a few weeks to get the page taken down, and she had to ask her friends to report the profile, as well as having to send over a photo of her provisional license to prove who she was. It takes a few minutes to set up profiles but longer to get them taken down. If only it was that easy to take them down, and nasty comments, and youtube videos – a film has been made about that too.. about the risk of social networking. Need to have a look at what that is called again.When I am posting things online I think twice about what I want people to know or read about me. The benefit to these social networking profiles is you can choose who you want to follow, and be followed by. For a few years my twitter was open for anyone to view which I didn’t see the problem too, however, I wanted a change and set it to private..Then a problem occurred.. When setting up my blog post I was advised that I could incorporate my twitter account into the blog.. all I had to do was make it un-private again.

One thought on “Google Your Name..

  1. I think it’s about you being as in control of your privacy as you can be. That’s the reason why we’ve been blogging over the past few months – to understand how we want to be perceived on the web and how we might manage that perception.


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