It is an extremely proud moment when all you ever wanted to do is go to university and study hard. Then the final day comes where you’re about to walk on stage at The Bridge Water Hall on you’re graduation day. I didn’t have enough belief in myself until that day. It was one of the most amazing and proudest moments of my life so far. I didn’t think that I would I say I would also feel sad to come to the end of the journey and about to start a new chapter in my life. I will take everything I have learned and the memories I hold while being a student at Manchester Metropolitan University.

I can certainly say that I have made friends for life, one being Zara. I am so proud of her as woo’d her while she walked up on that stage. We spent so many hours giggling at how much work we had to do, and how impossible we thought it would be but we did it. So many hours spent on the phone motivating each other to keep going.. until the crack of dawn until the endless assignments were completed and submitted. Laughing at me because I was late.. not all the time though =) Zara going loopy because she had way too many energy drinks! Spending time at my house studying and screaming because my dog was “BIG” pfft. I disagree, he is still a puppy after all! One of the most humbling and nicest thing said by her was;

“This women is one of the strongest people I know. She will never say she is because she’s the most modest and kind-hearted person I know.

She’s one of the kindest friends I have ever had and I hope she is a friend for life. She is a hard worker and deserves the best in life. I hope that she carries on working hard like she always does.

She has a big heart as well as a big smile and I hope that you never change because you are a top person.

Much love for the Mazza.

Proud of you.”

I have had so many people around me believing in me and supporting me, especially my other half who has been my biggest supporter, keeping me motivated and sitting with me when I needed the support at the most difficult times during my studies. Also telling me how proud he was of me when I would be excited about the marks I was receiving from the assessments knowing how hard I worked on them.

My sister Marzena for one has always been my biggest fan, helping me along the way. I am extremely proud of her and where she is now after all these years, being an account manager (very snazzy) and owning her own home and achieving everything she’s always wanted too! I’m so glad we were kept together when we were younger. I am so proud of Marzena! 

One memory that has stuck with me during that time was the conversation I had with Sue was the promise I made to her of finishing my studies and graduating no matter what happens as she was very sick at the time. She was one of the most influential people I had in my life, and she came at the right time too. I can see that she was not just my career, she was someone who really cared for me and wanted nothing but the best for me. I have felt her presence near me during my times of study. I hope that she was there on the day I graduated looking down on me beaming with pride.

I have achieved so much already and I hope to continue acheieving everything that I want in life. I have been in the paper for my achievements, and I have also been on the university website with my student profile and my achievements have been highlighted to the director of children’s services and I will be in the corporate newsletter that will be going out to all agencies related to children’s services.

No matter what tragedies come your way, whether you are privileged with parents or a looked after child you are able to do what you want and you notice the people around you who want nothing for the best for you. One of them being Lisa, who was my Social Worker, and then Independent Reviewing Officer to my mother for all intense and purposes, she for one had been with me every step of the way.

Time to start a new chapter in life and create some more amazing memories.

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