Google Your Name..

I think there are a lot of people who have googled their name to see what comes up, just out of curiosity. I have googled my name, and I don’t have a problem with what comes up.. My twitter profile, the article that was in the Bolton news, the student profile I agreed to do with MMU, my blog, and photos that have been published on the online platforms I have, and some photos that are associated with MMU. It does make it easy for people to find out information about you, but only things you publish online. On occasion people set up profiles pretending to be someone else, this has never happened to me, but it has happened to someone I know. It took a few weeks to get the page taken down, and she had to ask her friends to report the profile, as well as having to send over a photo of her provisional license to prove who she was. It takes a few minutes to set up profiles but longer to get them taken down. If only it was that easy to take them down, and nasty comments, and youtube videos – a film has been made about that too.. about the risk of social networking. Need to have a look at what that is called again.When I am posting things online I think twice about what I want people to know or read about me. The benefit to these social networking profiles is you can choose who you want to follow, and be followed by. For a few years my twitter was open for anyone to view which I didn’t see the problem too, however, I wanted a change and set it to private..Then a problem occurred.. When setting up my blog post I was advised that I could incorporate my twitter account into the blog.. all I had to do was make it un-private again.

My Twitter Account

Since signing up to Facebook several years ago there have so many online platforms that you can sign up too, and they all available on an iPhone. There are things such as; Snap Chat, What’s app, Facebook messenger, Fling it, apps for blog sites, Tinder.. It just goes on and on.. Although Facebook can be a good thing to stay connected with other people from all over the world, it can cause trouble too. There can be bullies on there, and you always have to be careful about what you post. I guess this just means you have to be careful about who you allow as your friend, but there is always someone, who knows someone else. The accounts that I have is Twitter and Instagram, I have 283 followers on my profile, generally people I know, I don’t feel the need to aim for the thousand’s, unless my personal profile was aimed as at campaign. I tend to follow people I know, and the hashtags I use tend to be what’s been tweeted about on the day. Sometimes, I tweet every day and always have something to say however there are long periods where I don’t tweet at all.

I Have My Mojo Back

I haven’t blogged for a while, so I figured while I have 5 minutes before cracking on with the assignment to do a quick blog post. For a few weeks, I have felt like I haven’t had to energy to keep plowing through my studies. I knew it was never going to be easy going into the final year, but these last few weeks have been torture, I have found myself crying into my laptop not knowing what to do, and how to go about the assignment. However, I have worked so hard on the assignment, I been writing, critically and analyzing it, using sources other than ones from the internet. For the first time in a long time, I feel that I am looking forward to getting the results back, and I will be posting it on my blog I am that proud of it!

Time to get cracking and finish it off, so I can take Kingston for a long walk and wind down for the day tomorrow!

Sunday Roast. 

I used to hate cooking. Always thought it was long and boring, and I would much rather prefer to stick something in the microwave. 

One thing I learnt to do while I was living in supported accommodation, was cook a Sunday roast with home made gravy! 

I went shopping to Asda with my mum Sue, and picked up some bisto.. She said we don’t do bisto in the house it’s always homemade. Turns out it was the best thing she ever did!!! 

Can’t beat a Sunday roast with home made gravy!!! Now I have something to pass down to my kids in the future 😄 

What is Patreon?

I think it’s actually amazing what you can do with the internet, my boyfriend showed me a video that he found on Face book of a girl singing and making the sounds to the song with only her voice box. I was curious.. so I went to the link which is called Patreon. Aimee makes her own music and posts her creation on this website, and people can become a patreon by donating as much or as little as you want, by doing this it helps her to make videos and continue to do what she loves doing. After watching her video I even felt like donating! People like Ed Sheeran started posting their music on sites like YouTube, and now he is a well know artist producing his albums.

Student Debt – Google Maps

There are roughly 350,00 students in Manchester and that means a lot of DEBT! On Average a student applies for student loans and tuition fee’s for a three year course of which have to be paid back which would roughly be around £45,000 per student. so for 350,000 students studying in Manchester the debt roughly comes to £15.75 billion pounds.. and that is not even to the penny.. I have no words..

Google maps can be a useful way to determine where the population of a group of students are and can give you an idea of what help and resources may be needed. It gives me an idea of where to go to find students and campaign, places to raise awareness, and achieve a set of goals.

Student Debt Maps

A dog is a man’s best friend.

I’ve been thinking about my campaign and what I could focus on, and I thought about what happened last year at Manchester Dog’s Home when a young boy started a fire at the dogs home. 53 dogs died, I heard about the news on twitter and so many people were outraged at what had happened, personally I can not possibly understand how someone would do such a cruel thing. Over 1 millions pounds, £1,473,911.40 to be exact, were raised to re build the dogs home, and many people took in the dogs while it was being rebuilt. Many people donated food and money, they also took selfies with their own pets with the hash tag #dogselfies to encourage people to donate.  I couldn’t imagine being without my dog Kingston, he’s big and daft, but cute as a button and so cuddley! He’s cute when he’s sleeping and not shredding the pillows on the sofa, or chasing his tail in the garden and destroying the grass! He’s not just a man’s best friend, he’s mine too. When I am walking him, I can see that people look at him and are afraid because he is such a large dog with a broad chest when in reality he is harmless and it’s all about the way you treat them. I can not stand to think of some owners that train their dogs to fight I think that many dog’s have such a bad name and it’s not their fault.

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I think that Face book can be a good thing, being able to connect with other people around the world. Being able to stay connected, and see what your friends and family are up to. I did have a Face book profile for several years, but in the end it I felt that I had no choice but to delete it. After removing several people, there was always one who knew someone else. I deactivated the profile and then it was automatically deleted after a few weeks. I would much rather meet with a friend and have a brew and a chat, there was always someone bullying someone else on Face book and I didn’t like to see that, I was even in the firing line myself. Everyone knows your business on it. I’ve just been having a look through Sky News on my phone and come across an article that said “Face book could make you depressed – Study” From my own experience with this social platform, once I had deleted my profile I felt 10x better and thought I should have done it along time ago.

The Study can be found at Science Direct